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The Purpose of Psychotherapy is

To Set People Free


About Me





Versed in the Jungian tradition of depth psychology, my approach to therapy is to listen deeply to my clients and provide a safe place in which to see themselves, and grow. For the past 40 years I have maintained a yoga and meditation practice, and worked with my own process to confront my shadow: the deep wounding of my childhood that led me to become a seeker of self. My inspiration to become a therapist arose from my 7 year journey with a counselor who worked skillfully to help me accept myself as a man and as a human being. I bring deep attunement, a love of others, and insight to my sessions. 





The Pandemic

The past three years have been like no others we've witnessed in our lifetimes. The pandemic has stressed individuals and families in triggering fear, isolation and economic hardship. Our deeply polarized political environment is also destabilizing. I can help you navigate this unsettling reality through practical steps to manage your anxiety and life situation.

Spiritual Crises

If you are experiencing a spiritual crisis in your life, whether through tragedy, injury, divorce, or a sudden awakening, I can help guide you to integrate the grounded practicalities of life with your soul's condition. If you are a meditation practitioner, or connected to a spiritual path, I can help you navigate such topics as spiritual by-pass and spiritual abuse. 


John is a gifted and wise therapist.  He’s the embodiment of masculine compassion.  I highly recommend him to anyone! - Leanne A., co-facilitator


In my work with Halcyon Hospice of Colorado the past 4 years, I have counseled and led groups for adults who are grieving the loss of a spouse, child, or family member. The grief process is often misunderstood by those who have not suffered a major loss in their lives, and often takes far longer than others understand. The death of a loved one is a major trauma that requires a patient process of reevaluating one's identity, meaning of life, relationship with God, and self.

Men in Transition

Whether you are 18 and launching from home or 50 in the depths of a mid-life crisis, I can help you navigate these times of uncertainty in your life. Major life transitions are destabilizing, and in this void that the ego experiences, there is a profound opening available for growth and change. 


Relationships are the practice ground in which to see our deepest wounds, desires, attachment issues and intimacy needs. By exploring your relationship, I can help you see the repeating patterns that determine your path in this fertile realm of human existence. With couples, I work with the concepts of fusion and differentiation to help each individual function as a whole adult in order to bring their best self to their partner. We will look at the respective attachment styles of each partner and relevant family of origin issues. 

Men's work

Robert Bly, the author of Iron John, wrote about the "long bag" men drag behind ourselves that contains our shame, our rage, and our pain. Men have been trained from birth to repress their negative feelings, that crying is weakness, and to objectify women. This repression leads to depression, passive aggressive behavior, and sometimes violence. I can show you how your vulnerability is your strength, that shedding tears is an act of courage, and how to communicate effectively in your intimate relationships

       In 2016 I helped form a men's group in Boulder that is still going strong 5 years later. 



Contact Me

Therapy sessions in my office are $140 per session for individuals and $150 per session for couples. 

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Image by gaspar manuel zaldo

John Joseph, MA Therapist

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2020 by Wise Counsel Therapy

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